Monday, December 12, 2016


IS EVER EASY..........or so the saying goes.

We've been able to sort out Oreo's stomach issues - a new diet and some initial laxative use have done wonders to remedy the horrible constipation he was experiencing. Ironically, now that he can go to the bathroom (and go well we might add), for some reason he is now not too keen on doing just that in the litterbox. Yes that's right, our elderly guest has decided that floors whether they be right in front of the litterbox or on the main level, upstairs, or anywhere else in between; all seem like perfectly perfect places to defecate. Now before we get too far into the doomsday of this nasty situation, we remember that there is always something to be grateful for and right now that is the fact that we have hardwood throughout our house instead of carpet AND that Oreo is not experiencing the dreaded diahrea which would truly be nasty in every sense of the word from a cleaning up perspective!

The added frustration in all of this is that from one poop to the next he's not being consistent. He does it on the floor and then the next day decides to use the litterbox - leaving us to wonder; uh? Litterboxes in this house are kept pristine in cleanliness, we use only unscented litter, and we have four boxes in total. Again it's ironic to think that when he couldn't go, he spent all his time in the box straining for relief, now that he can, he prefers to leave them as presents all over the house. We had wondered whether he now associates the boxes with the pain of before, but then that theory is blown out of the water when we see him using them at his discretion. He also doesn't appear to love our boys' company the way we first thought and has a real bullying attitude toward our Silly so we're not sure if that is playing into it?

He has been added to the site for adoption but quite honestly, he will never be adopted if we can't sort this out. I had someone (who shall remain nameless), actually suggest that I withold this from any potential adopters - to which I replied "Your kidding right?" Lying is not my strong suite but ESPECIALLY when it comes to the happiness of a rescue kitty who has already endured more than his fair share of heartbreak, and the innocent adopter in this scenario who would either be totally unhappy with him once the problem was discovered or possibly do something horrible like toss him outside because of it.

Soooooo we're just taking it day by day and still searching for the answer on this one. Otherwise, this big boy is extremely happy, purry, eating like a horse, becoming more and more of a snuggler with each passing day, and we've discovered isn't shy about tapping your leg for petting when he wishes.


  1. Oreo is a gorgeous kitty LM ... are you certain he was checked for kidney issues ? we have an older gent who has kidney issues and was mimicking Oreo's litterbox behaviour until we got it sorted out at the vet's

    1. Hi Anonymous - thanks for the suggestion of looking into Oreo's kidney levels. He had full (and I do mean FULL) bloodwork done very recently and his levels were excellent so that doesn't seem likely.
