A new year is right around the corner and so we hope, is Flossy's forever home.
She has now been in foster care for 14 months, too long for any kitty to have to wait for their family; but we remind ourselves that she's warm and safe and loved - all the important things; and that the person/s who are fortunate enough to adopt her, will be so lucky to have found such a little friend.
In the last few months she has become quite the cuddle muffin. She loves to lay on our laps now, or to sleep nestled in beside us. Flossy is such the affectionate little princess at this point, that we can scarcely believe the long road she's travelled to make it here.
What is it they say................all good things come to those who wait.

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
I find that the things that cause us the greatest amount of pain, are the things that teach us the most. They are often the same things that are the hardest to understand in the beginning and sometimes right through to the very end; but we'll discover when we look back down the road after they have passed, that we can see those things and understand them alot more clearly...........
Tonight's entry is to thank the lovely people who have reached out to me since learning of my sister's cat Puddles' predicament. To those who have offered their support, their condolences, and their kindness, I truly thank each and every one of you; no amount of words on this page could ever adequately express my heartfelt appreciation for your displays of caring.
Unfortunately, there are also those who have disappointed me deeply with respect to this situation. Since I am at a loss to understand their behaviour, I can only assume that their lives are more important to them than what is going on in the lives of those around them. I hope for their sakes that the way in which they conduct themselves when it comes to others, will be worth it in the end.
I can't sign off this page without sharing some pictures that helped me to remember something good when I really needed it earlier today...................
My little friend Red (now know as Stan) and his roommate Lewis. Thank you to Red's family for sending these today of all days.
"Today will never come again Have I done any good in the world today, have I helped anyone in need?"
Tonight's entry is to thank the lovely people who have reached out to me since learning of my sister's cat Puddles' predicament. To those who have offered their support, their condolences, and their kindness, I truly thank each and every one of you; no amount of words on this page could ever adequately express my heartfelt appreciation for your displays of caring.
Unfortunately, there are also those who have disappointed me deeply with respect to this situation. Since I am at a loss to understand their behaviour, I can only assume that their lives are more important to them than what is going on in the lives of those around them. I hope for their sakes that the way in which they conduct themselves when it comes to others, will be worth it in the end.
I can't sign off this page without sharing some pictures that helped me to remember something good when I really needed it earlier today...................
"Today will never come again Have I done any good in the world today, have I helped anyone in need?"
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I have a very, very desperate need for someone out there to help me if at all possible...............
When my younger sister passed away last month, she left behind her two cats Cuddles & Puddles. I have just learned that Puddles is (through no fault of her own) no longer allowed to stay in her home. She is a 2 yr old tabby female with white markings; she is also a very quiet and low maintenance kitty who is about to become homeless or worse if we can't find someone that can help us.
Unfortunately, the rescue is unable to assist and so far we've been unable to find a solution. My sister has been gone only afew weeks and now one of her little friends finds themselves having just lost her, about to lose the only home she's ever known.
I just spent seven months being completely powerless while my little sister wasted away from cancer, now I find myself powerless once again and I don't know how to articulate how upsetting it is to think that this poor cat is facing abandonement and me of all people, is unable to prevent it.
My sister is gone and how I pray that this will be one thing she cannot see happening. If there is anyone within the sound of my voice that can help us find Puddles a new, loving, home - please reach out to me.
When my younger sister passed away last month, she left behind her two cats Cuddles & Puddles. I have just learned that Puddles is (through no fault of her own) no longer allowed to stay in her home. She is a 2 yr old tabby female with white markings; she is also a very quiet and low maintenance kitty who is about to become homeless or worse if we can't find someone that can help us.
Unfortunately, the rescue is unable to assist and so far we've been unable to find a solution. My sister has been gone only afew weeks and now one of her little friends finds themselves having just lost her, about to lose the only home she's ever known.
I just spent seven months being completely powerless while my little sister wasted away from cancer, now I find myself powerless once again and I don't know how to articulate how upsetting it is to think that this poor cat is facing abandonement and me of all people, is unable to prevent it.
My sister is gone and how I pray that this will be one thing she cannot see happening. If there is anyone within the sound of my voice that can help us find Puddles a new, loving, home - please reach out to me.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The little boys spent the entire morning racing around like someone had lit a firecracker under their bums.............adorable sounding yes, but not so adorable to be apart of when your trying to maintain quiet for the sake of your better half who is still sound asleep! *L*
So after a crazy fun filled morning, it wasn't long into the afternoon before the boys each found their respective resting spots and were out like lights before I knew it. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I came upon Abner who had somewhat of a napping partner in Flossy............
Ugh, actually I think Abner ended up using our Baby Girl as more of a foot rest from the looks of it, but my first thought was more along the lines of, have you no shame!
But you know boys..............they always count on us females being unable to resist their cuteness (cheeky buggers that they are). :))
So after a crazy fun filled morning, it wasn't long into the afternoon before the boys each found their respective resting spots and were out like lights before I knew it. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I came upon Abner who had somewhat of a napping partner in Flossy............
Ugh, actually I think Abner ended up using our Baby Girl as more of a foot rest from the looks of it, but my first thought was more along the lines of, have you no shame!
But you know boys..............they always count on us females being unable to resist their cuteness (cheeky buggers that they are). :))
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I was chatting with a fellow cat lover earlier this week and we were trading "kitten stories" - you know the ones where you talk about having had that kitten experience and remember fondly all the trouble your little ones got into?
You love them, they are a joy, and there are so many delights in having them, but kittens are not for the faint of heart and I applaud every foster parent that takes on more than one litter (or even more than one kitten) at a time..............and keeps taking them on as the little ones get adopted!
I came home the other day to discover that somehow Abner and Hobbs had gotten into the entire roll of toilet paper and had enough time (which I suspect doesn't take long), to unravel it and surprise us with shards of toilet paper everywhere!!!! It was on the floor, in their fur, under things, on top of things, and loads of places in between............if I didn't know better I would have thought those two had some secret kitty cat party while we were at work and ended up getting caught in the clean up! *L*
It truly is like having children.........except thankfully these ones can't actually talk back.
You love them, they are a joy, and there are so many delights in having them, but kittens are not for the faint of heart and I applaud every foster parent that takes on more than one litter (or even more than one kitten) at a time..............and keeps taking them on as the little ones get adopted!
I came home the other day to discover that somehow Abner and Hobbs had gotten into the entire roll of toilet paper and had enough time (which I suspect doesn't take long), to unravel it and surprise us with shards of toilet paper everywhere!!!! It was on the floor, in their fur, under things, on top of things, and loads of places in between............if I didn't know better I would have thought those two had some secret kitty cat party while we were at work and ended up getting caught in the clean up! *L*
It truly is like having children.........except thankfully these ones can't actually talk back.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I woke up from a nap earlier to find this adorable little being beside me................
And then I came upstairs from being downstairs and found him in a new position in the hallway................
He's some kind of handsome he is!!!!!
And then I came upstairs from being downstairs and found him in a new position in the hallway................
He's some kind of handsome he is!!!!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Come next month, Flossy will have been with us 1 year exactly. This realization is very, very troubling to me as I think about how hard it is now going to be to move her if/when someone does wish to adopt her. A year is a long time for a cat to become settled in a home and she doesn't realize her stay with us is temporary, to her it's home - her sanctuary.
In all the cats/kittens we've been involved in saving, Flossy is now the one we've had the longest and from a personal standpoint I'm not happy about that either. Noone can predict when her forever home will come and there's apart of me that worries now that it never will and am I really prepared to foster her indefinitely? The honest answer is that I'm not, but what's the alternative...........have her move to another foster home so I can take on another cat that may be more adoptively attractive?
I didn't sign on for the one and I can't fathom the other - I can't see my way clear on this one at present, here's hoping that this too will work out.
In all the cats/kittens we've been involved in saving, Flossy is now the one we've had the longest and from a personal standpoint I'm not happy about that either. Noone can predict when her forever home will come and there's apart of me that worries now that it never will and am I really prepared to foster her indefinitely? The honest answer is that I'm not, but what's the alternative...........have her move to another foster home so I can take on another cat that may be more adoptively attractive?
I didn't sign on for the one and I can't fathom the other - I can't see my way clear on this one at present, here's hoping that this too will work out.
Monday, September 10, 2012
I remember when the litter of kittens of which Abner and Hobbs belonged, first arrived and how unreceptive Flossy was to them. Infact that was so much the case that I dissuaded a potential adopter from adopting Flossy into her home with one of the little ones, because our Baby Girl's initial behaviour demonstrated what I thought was total hate for them.
Once again I'm shown that I don't know everything in fostering (far from it), and that the bonds that develop between animals is on noone's timetable but their own. Flossy now interacts, plays with, and enjoys Abner and Hobb's attention immensley - I attribute some of that to the fact that since they've grown, they must appear as more fun and a little less unnerving to a full grown cat! *L* This past weekend I caught her and Hobbs (who she seems to spend the most time with), snuggled up on the bed together and her proceeding to groom him; then just yesterday I came upon Hobbs alseep in our livingroom and within two seconds, Flossy hopped up and we ended up with this shot:
As I type this, Flossy and Hobbs are engaged in a serious game of hide n' seek and from the sounds of it, she's loving every minute of it!!!
Once again I'm shown that I don't know everything in fostering (far from it), and that the bonds that develop between animals is on noone's timetable but their own. Flossy now interacts, plays with, and enjoys Abner and Hobb's attention immensley - I attribute some of that to the fact that since they've grown, they must appear as more fun and a little less unnerving to a full grown cat! *L* This past weekend I caught her and Hobbs (who she seems to spend the most time with), snuggled up on the bed together and her proceeding to groom him; then just yesterday I came upon Hobbs alseep in our livingroom and within two seconds, Flossy hopped up and we ended up with this shot:
As I type this, Flossy and Hobbs are engaged in a serious game of hide n' seek and from the sounds of it, she's loving every minute of it!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I don't know the person who once said that time waits for noone, but they couldn't have been more right. Regardless of what's going on in our lives, a new day begins and ends, the hours on the clock continue to move, and daily activities of what we know to be life here continue to flow. Everything is always changing and it happens whether you are ready or not.
Abner and Hobbs continue to grow rapidly and mature, Flossy trusts us just a little bit more each day and that's no more evident than in the fact that I wake up almost every morning now with her cuddled up in behind my legs, and our own two boys, Silly and Rocky..........they continue to love us and tolerate ALOT.
Abner and Hobbs continue to grow rapidly and mature, Flossy trusts us just a little bit more each day and that's no more evident than in the fact that I wake up almost every morning now with her cuddled up in behind my legs, and our own two boys, Silly and Rocky..........they continue to love us and tolerate ALOT.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
In my opinion there's just nothing more calming than watching a kitty napping.......they always look so calm and peaceful. Not a care in the world and nothing more important than having a wee rest.
I captured Flossy and Hobbs both doing exactly that, both in the infamous Silly cat bed (which everyone seems to love......and fight over!), at different times of course.
I captured Flossy and Hobbs both doing exactly that, both in the infamous Silly cat bed (which everyone seems to love......and fight over!), at different times of course.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Today's post is dedicated to my sister Tanya who is being laid to rest this afternoon after passing away on Monday morning after an 8 month battle with adenocarcinoma of the esphogael junction - stomach cancer; she was 38.
In what was to be the last real conversation that she and I would have over a week ago now, I was telling her about Abner & Hobbs and how adorable they were. It seemed to please her, hearing about them, and so I promised to ensure she got to see some pictures of them, which really seemed to lift her spirits at a time when she was really suffering. Unfortunately, very shortly thereafter her situation took a grave turn for the worse, and sharing the photos with her never came to be.
Much to my surprise, it was Abner who posed first - Mr. Shy Guy who normally doesn't like the camera and evades it constantly. I don't believe in coincidences, everything happens for a reason in my opinion, so having him pose so beautifully was almost as if he knew the significance behind the shot.
So this is for Tanya (and for her kitties Cuddles & Puddles), and for every other person who at this very moment is preparing to leave this world and return to that home beyond the veil, and also for their furry friends who will surely miss them as they go.............
In what was to be the last real conversation that she and I would have over a week ago now, I was telling her about Abner & Hobbs and how adorable they were. It seemed to please her, hearing about them, and so I promised to ensure she got to see some pictures of them, which really seemed to lift her spirits at a time when she was really suffering. Unfortunately, very shortly thereafter her situation took a grave turn for the worse, and sharing the photos with her never came to be.
Much to my surprise, it was Abner who posed first - Mr. Shy Guy who normally doesn't like the camera and evades it constantly. I don't believe in coincidences, everything happens for a reason in my opinion, so having him pose so beautifully was almost as if he knew the significance behind the shot.
So this is for Tanya (and for her kitties Cuddles & Puddles), and for every other person who at this very moment is preparing to leave this world and return to that home beyond the veil, and also for their furry friends who will surely miss them as they go.............
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The Summer has been very quiet adoption wise - moreso than I realized until I did a calculation and determined that Hobbs & Abner have been the remaining two kittens staying with us alot longer than I ever dreamed they would.
They grow more cute and adorable by the day (if that's even possible). Abner is the more serious of the two, the quiet older brother we like to call him. He's already settling into a mature kitty even at 5 months of age - you can see the differences between him and Hobbs now personality wise, alot more distinctly. Abner is also alot shyer when it comes to camera time.................Hobbs is a little magnet for the flash but his brother prefers to stay in the background; thus very few pictures of him as of late.
Hopefully we can change that soon but until then, I wanted to share this latest photo of Mr. Adorable Himself.............sweet Hobbs. If you're looking closely and wondering what that little "tip" is you see sticking out from under his belly; well it's the tip of his tail!!! When I came upon him like this I just had to snap a shot since it was too cute how he had it tucked all the way up there.
They grow more cute and adorable by the day (if that's even possible). Abner is the more serious of the two, the quiet older brother we like to call him. He's already settling into a mature kitty even at 5 months of age - you can see the differences between him and Hobbs now personality wise, alot more distinctly. Abner is also alot shyer when it comes to camera time.................Hobbs is a little magnet for the flash but his brother prefers to stay in the background; thus very few pictures of him as of late.
Hopefully we can change that soon but until then, I wanted to share this latest photo of Mr. Adorable Himself.............sweet Hobbs. If you're looking closely and wondering what that little "tip" is you see sticking out from under his belly; well it's the tip of his tail!!! When I came upon him like this I just had to snap a shot since it was too cute how he had it tucked all the way up there.
Friday, August 3, 2012
This post isn't about favouring one over another, it's just about showing a gorgeous little kitten and what a strapping, handsome, big boy he's literally being transformed into right in front of our eyes.
Here is Hobbs - he is personality plus and cute, cute, cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is Hobbs - he is personality plus and cute, cute, cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Posting today wouldn't be complete if I didn't take time to mention our Flossy girl. She's been so overshadowed by the kittens since they arrived and I think it's fair to say that she's not been happy about it; so without further adieu, here's a little limelight for our gorgeous Baby Girl.
In true diva fashion, she really doesn't enjoy the company of little ones under her feet.....she makes that perfectly evident every time either I or hubby catches her cornering one of them and proceeding to hiss and swat at them. I think there's apart of her that enjoys their energy level (since she can act quite kitten like herself at times when she gets all geared up), but I think the fact that they can move faster than her AND are competition in the cuteness department, just seals the deal for her and puts her off any ideas that we may have about her befriending them.
She likes being the prettiest, the ones who commands everyone's attention, and that which everyone walks in the door saying "awwwwwww" to - she's not prepared to share her moment with anyone; least of all a couple of little boys that are too young to even appreciate it all!! *L*
In true diva fashion, she really doesn't enjoy the company of little ones under her feet.....she makes that perfectly evident every time either I or hubby catches her cornering one of them and proceeding to hiss and swat at them. I think there's apart of her that enjoys their energy level (since she can act quite kitten like herself at times when she gets all geared up), but I think the fact that they can move faster than her AND are competition in the cuteness department, just seals the deal for her and puts her off any ideas that we may have about her befriending them.
She likes being the prettiest, the ones who commands everyone's attention, and that which everyone walks in the door saying "awwwwwww" to - she's not prepared to share her moment with anyone; least of all a couple of little boys that are too young to even appreciate it all!! *L*
As this weekend unfolded I'd be less than honest if I didn't say I'm a little surprised that I haven't had even one call for Abner & Hobbs. I'm going to chalk it up to their website photos not being the greatest - good shots are a must have when your talking about a rescue that relies on their website to find forever homes.
So I spent pretty much the whole day trying to catch photos of the babies when they weren't flying around like jumping beans! Anyone whose fostered kittens can tell you that trying to get pictures is near to impossible; especially when you want them. I'm adamant that cats know when it's photoshoot time and nine times out of ten, they will prove the world's most difficult models - on purpose! Any other time, without camera in hand, you'll encounter them in countless poses that would make great shots...............these four legged little furballs are noone's fool.
Below are a couple I was lucky enough to get today - what do you think?? Would you adopt these little darlings if you were searching for a feline friend?......................
So I spent pretty much the whole day trying to catch photos of the babies when they weren't flying around like jumping beans! Anyone whose fostered kittens can tell you that trying to get pictures is near to impossible; especially when you want them. I'm adamant that cats know when it's photoshoot time and nine times out of ten, they will prove the world's most difficult models - on purpose! Any other time, without camera in hand, you'll encounter them in countless poses that would make great shots...............these four legged little furballs are noone's fool.
Below are a couple I was lucky enough to get today - what do you think?? Would you adopt these little darlings if you were searching for a feline friend?......................
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Abner and Hobbs are still with us - and growing cuter by the day! Abner is most certainly the big brother physically - as he's visibly taller and heavier weight wise than his little brother, but when it comes to confidence and tenacity, Hobbs has him beat hands down!
The one really adorable thing about both of them is that they just love to have their bellie's rubbed and the moment you start petting them, both will instantly flop over and stretch out as long as they can so that you can have total access to their soft, white little tummies to ensure a most thorough loving - it's hilarious to watch and completely adorable in every sense of the word.
Just tonight we decided that when we're home, they will have access to the rest of the house. We'd really wanted to keep them separate from our boys since the initial signs were that Rocky and Silly (and even Flossy girl) were not at all thrilled with the prospect of sharing their domain with little ones, but so far today it's gone okay and we anticipate that that will only get easier. That said, we really don't anticipate having them much longer since anyone who comes to meet them would have to be unhuman not to fall completely and helplessly in love, and both hubby and I agree that if we didn't already have boys of our own, we'd be keeping these two - they are just that cute!! Their adventures into the rest of the house have been really exciting for them today, our finished basement has worked wonderfully for fostering them but they're getting abit bigger and as such, a little more curious and even somewhat lonely I think, being shut down there away from the rest of the family so we decided they needed to have more access.
In the past I've talked about my love for orange/white cats (or creamsicle kitties) - these two little boys are no exception..................they are so soft, so snuggly, so sweet and so funny that honestly you can't help but want to just kiss and cuddle them constantly. :))
The one really adorable thing about both of them is that they just love to have their bellie's rubbed and the moment you start petting them, both will instantly flop over and stretch out as long as they can so that you can have total access to their soft, white little tummies to ensure a most thorough loving - it's hilarious to watch and completely adorable in every sense of the word.
Just tonight we decided that when we're home, they will have access to the rest of the house. We'd really wanted to keep them separate from our boys since the initial signs were that Rocky and Silly (and even Flossy girl) were not at all thrilled with the prospect of sharing their domain with little ones, but so far today it's gone okay and we anticipate that that will only get easier. That said, we really don't anticipate having them much longer since anyone who comes to meet them would have to be unhuman not to fall completely and helplessly in love, and both hubby and I agree that if we didn't already have boys of our own, we'd be keeping these two - they are just that cute!! Their adventures into the rest of the house have been really exciting for them today, our finished basement has worked wonderfully for fostering them but they're getting abit bigger and as such, a little more curious and even somewhat lonely I think, being shut down there away from the rest of the family so we decided they needed to have more access.
In the past I've talked about my love for orange/white cats (or creamsicle kitties) - these two little boys are no exception..................they are so soft, so snuggly, so sweet and so funny that honestly you can't help but want to just kiss and cuddle them constantly. :))
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
After Flossy's having been with us going on 9 months now, previously I would have been quick to say that I knew pretty much everything there was to know about our snow white princess in terms of her temperment and preferences. But alas, the arrival of the kittens (and our having tried to match her up with one for a forever home), have taught us something new...............our Baby Girl loves other cats but add the words "that come before her" in the sentence and you'd be bang on.
In other words, we've come to discover that Flossy does great with cats that are already present when she enters the situation (meaning those that are already established within the home), but isn't as easily swayed by cats that come after her. She obviously doesn't mind the hiearchy ground rules being set when she arrives on scene, and is quite happy to take her place in 2nd or 3rd position in the "pecking" order if necessary, but when another kitty enters after she's arrived - well that's a whole other ballgame and she isn't interested.
It just goes to show that you can have a kitty within your midst for quite some time, and still be without all the facts - especially those of the female persuasion who are a little more particular and a little more sassy. Of course all of this aides hugely in us being able to help her go to the right forever home; knowledge is power I always say and none moreso than in this case!!
In other words, we've come to discover that Flossy does great with cats that are already present when she enters the situation (meaning those that are already established within the home), but isn't as easily swayed by cats that come after her. She obviously doesn't mind the hiearchy ground rules being set when she arrives on scene, and is quite happy to take her place in 2nd or 3rd position in the "pecking" order if necessary, but when another kitty enters after she's arrived - well that's a whole other ballgame and she isn't interested.
It just goes to show that you can have a kitty within your midst for quite some time, and still be without all the facts - especially those of the female persuasion who are a little more particular and a little more sassy. Of course all of this aides hugely in us being able to help her go to the right forever home; knowledge is power I always say and none moreso than in this case!!
Friday, June 29, 2012
With all the recent activity that the kittens have brought to our home, including taking up a huge chunk of our time in caring for them, it can be easy to have your own kitties take a back seat for a time. It's certainly not intentional and it's the part of fostering that can sometimes have me feeling guilty and stressed..............how to care for, pay attention to, and love, those that come to Safe Haven for the refuge, while at the same time ensuring that Safe Haven's permanent residents (Rocky & Silly), don't feel slighted or replaced.
One of the ways we attempt to keep our own kids content in the face of all the new whiskers coming and going, is to keep their routine as much as possible, and take the necessary steps to protect the things that are sacred to them. One of those "special" times for Silly is first thing in the morning before hubby has risen. Every morning like clockwork, Silly waits for me to place his Daddy's bath towel on the toilet seat lid so that he can hop up and assume a snuggle position - once he's settled you could easily hear his purring from 10 feet away! He never budges or moves a muscle until hubby has risen and comes into the bathroom to greet him.
It's so satisfying for me to see this boy who loves my husband so very much, take pleasure in such a small thing that says such large things about the special bond that's been created by one big guy and his little buddy.
One of the ways we attempt to keep our own kids content in the face of all the new whiskers coming and going, is to keep their routine as much as possible, and take the necessary steps to protect the things that are sacred to them. One of those "special" times for Silly is first thing in the morning before hubby has risen. Every morning like clockwork, Silly waits for me to place his Daddy's bath towel on the toilet seat lid so that he can hop up and assume a snuggle position - once he's settled you could easily hear his purring from 10 feet away! He never budges or moves a muscle until hubby has risen and comes into the bathroom to greet him.
It's so satisfying for me to see this boy who loves my husband so very much, take pleasure in such a small thing that says such large things about the special bond that's been created by one big guy and his little buddy.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
It feels abit weird to enter the kittens room now and see only four as opposed to the original six - funny how two little ones can make such a huge difference in the dynamics of things in so many ways.
By Sunday it will be just Abner & Hobbs, how ironic that the two who look most like twins will be the remaining ones waiting for adoption. I'm hoping they don't have to wait long and that they can also go together since we were lucky enough to have the first four go in pairs.
Their faces and bodies are changing rapidly now it seems, every morning I head down to greet them they almost appear to have sprouted more height overnight!; gives the expression "growing up before your very eyes" a whole new meaning. I don't regret for one moment having saved this little family, I'm left to think about their Mom and how I hope her owners changed their minds and had her spayed. A seven year old female continuing to have litters - it just disgusts me for a whole multitude of reasons.
I just snapped the following shots, I'm sort of feeling like I need to get as many as I can now since these little ones are moving on fast and every day brings more changes to things..............
Note: Please excuse the one shot that captured my hubby's butt - he is a heat magnet for the kids *L*
By Sunday it will be just Abner & Hobbs, how ironic that the two who look most like twins will be the remaining ones waiting for adoption. I'm hoping they don't have to wait long and that they can also go together since we were lucky enough to have the first four go in pairs.
Their faces and bodies are changing rapidly now it seems, every morning I head down to greet them they almost appear to have sprouted more height overnight!; gives the expression "growing up before your very eyes" a whole new meaning. I don't regret for one moment having saved this little family, I'm left to think about their Mom and how I hope her owners changed their minds and had her spayed. A seven year old female continuing to have litters - it just disgusts me for a whole multitude of reasons.
I just snapped the following shots, I'm sort of feeling like I need to get as many as I can now since these little ones are moving on fast and every day brings more changes to things..............
Note: Please excuse the one shot that captured my hubby's butt - he is a heat magnet for the kids *L*
Monday, June 25, 2012
It's been an incredibly busy weekend rescue wise at our home. Lots of emails, phone calls, and visits back and forth as decisions were considered and adoptions finalized.
Ollie and Honey were adopted this weekend by a lovely young couple who became completely smitten with these two little darlings................but how could anyone not?
Unfortunately Flossy will not be adopted afterall. It became quickly apparent upon trying to have her spend time with Finn alone, that she really detests kittens and since the potential adopter really wanted a pair, Finn will now be headed home with his little sister Petunia.
My heart breaks for Flossy right now because she's waited so long for her forever home and because people who visit sadly don't get to see her at her very best as she's somewhat shy and a little standoffish with strangers. She really tries to put her best foot forward but so far there's always been something standing in her way. Also it's hard to convey that her loving and adorable self is visible to us in so many ways because she's spent 8 months in our home, apart of our family. In a 20 or 30 minute meeting, she's not going to be all that and more since she's still trying to ensure that it's even safe for her to approach strangers that come over.
After this weekend, I will only have Abner and Hobbs kitten wise - it's also been sad to watch the babies part ways as a family but what can you do.................realisitically speaking you know six kittens aren't all going to the same home to spend their lives together - it just isn't feasible.
Ollie and Honey were adopted this weekend by a lovely young couple who became completely smitten with these two little darlings................but how could anyone not?
Unfortunately Flossy will not be adopted afterall. It became quickly apparent upon trying to have her spend time with Finn alone, that she really detests kittens and since the potential adopter really wanted a pair, Finn will now be headed home with his little sister Petunia.
My heart breaks for Flossy right now because she's waited so long for her forever home and because people who visit sadly don't get to see her at her very best as she's somewhat shy and a little standoffish with strangers. She really tries to put her best foot forward but so far there's always been something standing in her way. Also it's hard to convey that her loving and adorable self is visible to us in so many ways because she's spent 8 months in our home, apart of our family. In a 20 or 30 minute meeting, she's not going to be all that and more since she's still trying to ensure that it's even safe for her to approach strangers that come over.
After this weekend, I will only have Abner and Hobbs kitten wise - it's also been sad to watch the babies part ways as a family but what can you do.................realisitically speaking you know six kittens aren't all going to the same home to spend their lives together - it just isn't feasible.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I'm almost afraid to say it, but I think we've finally settled into a routine with 9 cats in the house. I can scarcely believe that it is actually that many - the most we've ever had at any one time..........needless to say two of those are ours but still; HOLY CROW!
Since Flossy & Finn are in the holding stage for adoption, we're taking this time to try and help them to get to know one another and to make the transition to their new forever home together, a little less stressful. So far it isn't going too badly, the first couple of nights it was Flossy hissing at Finn, last night it was Finn hissing at Flossy; which is completely hilarious to watch since he's 10 weeks and she's full grown. I did however manage to get them in very close proximity to one another last night as I began teasing them both with the same toy...........when I say close I mean about a foot apart and they didn't do too badly at all. I don't foresee any major problems when their new Mom takes them home.
All of the kittens have now had their neuter/spay surgeries - the last three came home last night. Funnily enough, we thought we took in two girls and one boy, and it turned out it was actually two boys and one girl. Apple became Ollie! - I should have known............his wiry little ways were a dead giveaway for a boy!!
Of course this entry wouldn't be complete without afew new pics, hope you enjoy. Oh and btw, I have another potential adopter coming tomorrow night to possibly adopt two kittens, so it looks as though that number 9 will be dramatically reduced sooner rather than later.

Since Flossy & Finn are in the holding stage for adoption, we're taking this time to try and help them to get to know one another and to make the transition to their new forever home together, a little less stressful. So far it isn't going too badly, the first couple of nights it was Flossy hissing at Finn, last night it was Finn hissing at Flossy; which is completely hilarious to watch since he's 10 weeks and she's full grown. I did however manage to get them in very close proximity to one another last night as I began teasing them both with the same toy...........when I say close I mean about a foot apart and they didn't do too badly at all. I don't foresee any major problems when their new Mom takes them home.
All of the kittens have now had their neuter/spay surgeries - the last three came home last night. Funnily enough, we thought we took in two girls and one boy, and it turned out it was actually two boys and one girl. Apple became Ollie! - I should have known............his wiry little ways were a dead giveaway for a boy!!
Of course this entry wouldn't be complete without afew new pics, hope you enjoy. Oh and btw, I have another potential adopter coming tomorrow night to possibly adopt two kittens, so it looks as though that number 9 will be dramatically reduced sooner rather than later.
Monday, June 18, 2012
There is apart of me that thinks maybe I'm overdoing it in the snapshot dept what with these kittens as our latest guests, but quite honestly, if there is anyone out there getting sick of seeing them.............what are you doing clicking on a cat rescue blog!! *L*
They won't be little like this forever so I just have to cease every opportunity to capture them at such an adorable stage of their lives. I really hope that some of their new parents will keep in touch with us so that we can see them as they grow and mature into full grown kitties.
So for tonight here's sweet, adorable, cute, precious, mischevious and daring all rolled into one............

They won't be little like this forever so I just have to cease every opportunity to capture them at such an adorable stage of their lives. I really hope that some of their new parents will keep in touch with us so that we can see them as they grow and mature into full grown kitties.
So for tonight here's sweet, adorable, cute, precious, mischevious and daring all rolled into one............
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The lady that showed an initial interest in Flossy arrived on Saturday as previously planned. I liked her instantly, she exuded a warmth and caring that only another cat lover could recognize. Flossy came right down to greet her and I could tell, liked her as well. We sat and chatted for abit and Flossy was very friendly, allowing our guest to pet her and even engage in some play.
It was then that we talked about a companion kitty for Flossy, since she loves other cats so much, it was vitally important that this adopter be prepared to welcome another cat into her home for Flossy to befriend, and thankfully she was. So without further adieu, we travelled downstairs and I introduced her to the creamsicle clan............almost instantly, our Finn caught her eye. They had all been in the throes of afternoon napping so they were sleepy, warm, purring and just downright adorable; you have to love it when all the stars align and everyone puts their best paw forward :))
We tested Flossy and Finn together upstairs, and our Baby Girl did amazingly well - only afew hisses, otherwise everyone was very well behaved. So we agreed on the 24 hour waiting period to give everyone a chance to think upon this potential adoption, and I'm delighted to report that today it was confirmed this lovely lady will be adopting both Flossy and Finn together!!!!
We'll spend the next two weeks creating an environment where Flossy & Finn can spend some time together, getting to know one another and hopefully aiding toward a smooth transition to their new home as siblings.
Their new Mom is just a lovely person who I have no doubt whatsoever will take amazing care of them, and this is more than you can wish for in adopters. She is an experienced cat owner, has had rescue kitties before, and is thoroughly looking forward to being a Mom again - all music to my ears!
In the back of my mind are the feelings I'll go through as I bid Flossy goodbye; but for now at least I have to concentrate on preparing her little by little for this next chapter in her life. I have to push back down the tears and sadness I will ultimately feel as she leaves our home, and remind myself that this is her forever happiness - it was always the plan, always the goal, but in having her these past 8 months, it was impossible not to grow to love her deeply and to forget for a time that she was a guest only and never mine to keep.
I'll deal with her leaving after - for right now I have two little babies that I must prepare for the most joyous of events. Their forever home has come for them and it couldn't be a brighter time.

It was then that we talked about a companion kitty for Flossy, since she loves other cats so much, it was vitally important that this adopter be prepared to welcome another cat into her home for Flossy to befriend, and thankfully she was. So without further adieu, we travelled downstairs and I introduced her to the creamsicle clan............almost instantly, our Finn caught her eye. They had all been in the throes of afternoon napping so they were sleepy, warm, purring and just downright adorable; you have to love it when all the stars align and everyone puts their best paw forward :))
We tested Flossy and Finn together upstairs, and our Baby Girl did amazingly well - only afew hisses, otherwise everyone was very well behaved. So we agreed on the 24 hour waiting period to give everyone a chance to think upon this potential adoption, and I'm delighted to report that today it was confirmed this lovely lady will be adopting both Flossy and Finn together!!!!
We'll spend the next two weeks creating an environment where Flossy & Finn can spend some time together, getting to know one another and hopefully aiding toward a smooth transition to their new home as siblings.
Their new Mom is just a lovely person who I have no doubt whatsoever will take amazing care of them, and this is more than you can wish for in adopters. She is an experienced cat owner, has had rescue kitties before, and is thoroughly looking forward to being a Mom again - all music to my ears!
In the back of my mind are the feelings I'll go through as I bid Flossy goodbye; but for now at least I have to concentrate on preparing her little by little for this next chapter in her life. I have to push back down the tears and sadness I will ultimately feel as she leaves our home, and remind myself that this is her forever happiness - it was always the plan, always the goal, but in having her these past 8 months, it was impossible not to grow to love her deeply and to forget for a time that she was a guest only and never mine to keep.
I'll deal with her leaving after - for right now I have two little babies that I must prepare for the most joyous of events. Their forever home has come for them and it couldn't be a brighter time.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me how when it rains it pours in the cat rescue world! We've no sooner gotten Finn, Abner and Honey all settled back in here after their vet appointments, and I receive word of someone interested in adopting Flossy.
Now there have been a number of people interested in her, with only a couple having actually come to meet her, the difference this time is that this woman sounds as though she may be the "the one"...........maybe. I guess what makes me say that is because upon learning about Flossy's full mouth extraction AND her special allergen free diet that she must remain on, this woman was still engaged on the phone and indicated that she would love to meet our little baby girl.
Flossy has been with us since last October and no amount of typing could ever properly convey the leaps and bounds this girl has made both emotionally and physically. This adoption enquiry call prompted me to look back upon some earlier photo's of her and I just can't believe the transformation.
The meeting is Saturday - I have mixed feelings of course about it but the main thing is ensuring that it's the right home for Flossy...........she hasn't come all this way and fought this hard to survive, only to be rehomed into an environment where she'll be unhappy. I've been here a tonne of times before but why is it then that this time feels like the first time all over again.
To be continued.........

Now there have been a number of people interested in her, with only a couple having actually come to meet her, the difference this time is that this woman sounds as though she may be the "the one"...........maybe. I guess what makes me say that is because upon learning about Flossy's full mouth extraction AND her special allergen free diet that she must remain on, this woman was still engaged on the phone and indicated that she would love to meet our little baby girl.
Flossy has been with us since last October and no amount of typing could ever properly convey the leaps and bounds this girl has made both emotionally and physically. This adoption enquiry call prompted me to look back upon some earlier photo's of her and I just can't believe the transformation.
The meeting is Saturday - I have mixed feelings of course about it but the main thing is ensuring that it's the right home for Flossy...........she hasn't come all this way and fought this hard to survive, only to be rehomed into an environment where she'll be unhappy. I've been here a tonne of times before but why is it then that this time feels like the first time all over again.
To be continued.........
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Last night hubby and I dropped off the first three of the litter for their neuter surgeries - the biggest of the boys as chance would have it, Finn, Ollie & Abner. Imagine my surprise when the vet announced that Ollie is actually a she! I quickly reverted back to the original name we had picked out for this tabby since initially for some reason I suspected it was a she, but I squashed those thoughts when she began growing rapidly and her eating pace was keeping up with that of her brothers (you know those ferocious appetites that males seem to have - both animal and human alike!) :))
So Ollie has gone back to being Honey, so sorry little girl about that mixup. The other thing that should have tipped me off to her sex was the fact that during the course of last night's ride, she cried her little heart out whereas her two brothers laid down in the carrier and were content to enjoy the air conditioning. *L*

So Ollie has gone back to being Honey, so sorry little girl about that mixup. The other thing that should have tipped me off to her sex was the fact that during the course of last night's ride, she cried her little heart out whereas her two brothers laid down in the carrier and were content to enjoy the air conditioning. *L*
Sunday, June 10, 2012
After hours of playing and running and jumping and investigating everything in their path, the creamsicle clan (as I lovingly refer to them), will suddenly one by one, all get very tired and each makes their way back to their little beds for snuggling and snoozes. I love watching them sleep and I love greeting them after their naps because they all instantly begin meowing and purring, wanting to be held and loved. There's something about warm, soft, little babies all clamouring to make their way onto your lap for affection that is just so precious - I honestly don't think it gets more innocent and it's one of the best parts of having the opportunity to foster them.
Weigh ins on Saturday have reflected their healthy little appetites - three of them are already over the necessary weight to go in for the neuter/spay surgeries, so we expect them to be visiting the clinic any day now. The other three aren't far behind and soon they'll all be ready for adoption.............
This is our little Apple - a cuddly, snuggly, darling little teacup of a kitten who loves nothing better than to crawl into your lap for attention. If all of you could meet her, trust me when I tell you that you would fall helplessly in love.

Weigh ins on Saturday have reflected their healthy little appetites - three of them are already over the necessary weight to go in for the neuter/spay surgeries, so we expect them to be visiting the clinic any day now. The other three aren't far behind and soon they'll all be ready for adoption.............
This is our little Apple - a cuddly, snuggly, darling little teacup of a kitten who loves nothing better than to crawl into your lap for attention. If all of you could meet her, trust me when I tell you that you would fall helplessly in love.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
I'm so happy to report that the six little ones we have staying with us are doing amazing! The first evening they were somewhat shy and uncertain but as anyone whose fostered or looked after kittens will tell you.........that lasts maybe 30 seconds before they discover all things PLAY!! Now they are jumping, running, climbing, and pouncing on anything and everything within their line of sight. Each day brings new territory to conquer (a sure sign that they are growing up before our very eyes), with last night's terrain being the discovery that they could climb my housecoat all the way up to my shoulder and perch there to survey the scene. Only the boys have made this venture though, the little girls are far too ladylike and just haven't mustered that much courage.
In addition, we were incorrect in our first report of boys vs girls - we actually have four boys (Ollie, Abner, Hobbs & Finn) and two girls (Petunia & Apple), with both girls being exactly half the size of the boys (that's those male piggie eaters for ya). The best news of all is that my previously named party pooper hubby has agreed that we can foster them so I won't have to part with them before adoption time comes!!!
The newness and innocence of these little lives is not lost on me as I'm with them each day. Before me lie six tiny lives who haven't experienced anything except love, happiness and safety, and I pray that the adopters who will ultimately assume responsibility for them ensure that it remains that way. But of course that's me once again looking too far ahead and needing to remind myself that there are just so many things that are outside the realm of our control.
May you enjoy these as much as I loved taking them :) :) - from kitty cat heaven, ciao for now!!

In addition, we were incorrect in our first report of boys vs girls - we actually have four boys (Ollie, Abner, Hobbs & Finn) and two girls (Petunia & Apple), with both girls being exactly half the size of the boys (that's those male piggie eaters for ya). The best news of all is that my previously named party pooper hubby has agreed that we can foster them so I won't have to part with them before adoption time comes!!!
The newness and innocence of these little lives is not lost on me as I'm with them each day. Before me lie six tiny lives who haven't experienced anything except love, happiness and safety, and I pray that the adopters who will ultimately assume responsibility for them ensure that it remains that way. But of course that's me once again looking too far ahead and needing to remind myself that there are just so many things that are outside the realm of our control.
May you enjoy these as much as I loved taking them :) :) - from kitty cat heaven, ciao for now!!
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