Would you believe me if I told you that the above darling (named "Aggie") has been waiting patiently at the Toronto Humane Society since LAST December 9th for someone to adopt her?
Another volunteer within the cat rescue world has made me aware of Aggie and the long wait she's experienced through no fault of her own. Although abit shy with strangers and not terribly fond of other kitties, Aggie is friendly and very playful once she feels comfortable in your presence, and even has a fondness for little toy mice, so I'm told! Noone is quite sure what it is about this little girl that has people simply passing by her cage, but one thing is for sure - no kitty deserves to be overlooked to the degree that Aggie has been and certainly not when their sleeping quarters every night has to be a small little metal cage instead of a soft warm bed or a comfy chair in a cozy livingroom somewhere!!
Aggie is approximately 5 1/2 years old and just look at the gorgeous little opaque pink nose of hers - how could anyone simply pass by her cage without falling in love? If ever I've felt a kitty tug at my heart strings, it's Aggie and I hope that by posting about her plight here, someone may know someone who may know someone (you know how it goes), who may be dying to have a little friend like Aggie to share their home time with.
Please feel free to contact me or to pass along my info so that someone else can contact me, so that together we can help find Aggie her forever home. I know that person/s is out there...........so let's do what we can to help connect this precious kitty with them so that her days of being alone can finally be over.
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