Saturday, December 24, 2016


Merry Christmas!!!!!!

This Christmas Eve we give thanks for all of our blessings.............our health, our comforts, our beautiful country, precious things big and small, kindness, charity, and above all else, the very gift of life. But most of all, we give thanks for the miraculous birth of that very special baby born so long ago, the Prince of Peace who came into this world to make a way for us to return home to our Father in Heaven.

We thank each and every one of you who have ever visited with us here - whether it be once or many times over. Your encouragement, your support, your words of wisdom, your love for cats and kittens everywhere, and your desire to want to see them all with loving homes, is so appreciated and tonight we acknowledge your caring and your love for them.

So from everyone here at Safe Haven, myself, my husband Steve, our boys, Rocky & Silly and our current houseguest Oreo - may you each have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.


  1. and may you continue to be blessed LM in helping all the kitties who pass through your home

  2. we miss the updates from safe haven ... how are the boys ? hope all is well and looking forward to reading the kitty adventures
