Monday, June 9, 2014


First and foremost, here is a picture of our sweet girl Miss Addy in her new home, relaxing and having herself a well deserved nap. Her new Dad "D" has decided to rename her Marla - and reports that she's eating well, has explored much of her new home, and is already starting to show signs of settling in! *YAY*

Next up, we wasted no time in welcoming in our new houseguest who we've re-named Cocoa. She's approximately 8 years of age and has spent the better part of 4 months in a cage after her family dumped her at Animal Services. She arrived yesterday and was one of the most appreciative little kitties; giving us head butts of affection and rolling around purring wildly. She's very pretty and very sweet............

That's it for now, more to surely follow very soon. :))


  1. YAY! for updates, YAY! for settling in.. and yay for new kitties that are happy to be home :)

  2. Extremely happy for Addy/Marla, she looks like she's settling in and enjoying her new home.

    Your new guest is gorgeous, I'm sure she won't be with you for very long. She must be ecstatic to be out of a horrible cage!

  3. we are so happy for Marla ... and Cocoa, she looks like a cutie !!! Looking forward to hearing all about Coca's adventures with Silly and Rocky !!
