Thursday, July 11, 2013


We have a vet visit scheduled for Magnum on Monday. Unfortunately he'll have to stay overnight since he requires some dental work. Evidently, a brief examination at Animal Control led someone to say that he needs at least two of his teeth extracted.

I've tried to sneak a peek inside his mouth when he's been yawning and I've noticed that both is upper and lower front fangs (or canines as they are called), on the one side are both gone, and the rest of what I saw didn't look so good. That's not totally surprising given his age and his having been outside, eating goodness knows what - a horrible diet isn't exactly conducive to good teeth!, but still it's unfortunate.

I'm somewhat anxious about his surgery. It's always concerning when a cat has to be put out, but especially one that's older can be even abit more dicey. I'm also disappointed that his trip will likely stress him and he'll probably think that he's been abandoned again when he finds himself sitting back in one of those cramped, little boxes they call cages. This is one of those instances when you wish you could talk to them, explain what's going on, and they'd actually understand.

Tuesday will be a great day when we can hopefully pick him back up for the trek home (pending no complications).

Here's hoping.


  1. Oh I know those feelings all too well. Wishing only the best for Magnum during these next few days..

    Btw, did you know you have word verification on your comments? A lot of people have a hard time with them and won't comment on blogs that have them.

    1. Thanks very much for the head's up - I had no idea that the verification was on!

      Thank you as well for the well wishes in regards to Magnum's surgery......

  2. I'll be praying for Magnum's surgery to go well. I have two cats who had most/all of their teeth removed because they were so diseased.And I totally relate on the concern for the cat's feelings, especially if they had been abandoned before. We have several like that.

    thank you so much for your prayers for our firefighters' situation - and thanks for commenting!

    1. Debra, thank you so much for your comment and positive thoughts for Magnum's surgery. This is one of those stresses that comes with fostering but I wouldn't chang it if it meant that I couldn't help to be involved in saving these little lives.

    2. LM, we are all rooting for Magnum (fab name!) and our prayers are with you and this handsome boy; keep us updated !

  3. We hope that Magnum's vet visit goes off without a hitch.

  4. Purrrrss that Magnum (P.I.?) (Force?) (Dodge?) (whatever) made it through surgery and is recovering. We're with you on communicating. Sometimes, it would help a lot if you could just explain that what you're doing is not just random torture.

  5. Obviously we know that things went well. We just wanted to chime in and say we've both had multiple extractions, both when we were three years old. Nicki had 8 teeth removed back in November 2009 and Derry lost 9 teeth in June 2010. We do fine, though, so Magnum will be okay once his mouth is healed. :-)
