Our Red (now known lovingly as Stanley), is so completely loved and adored in his amazing forever home, by amazing parents. His Mom frequently sends along updates (and pictures), to let us know just how happy their entire family is - and I have to tell you that each and every time she does, I utterly treasure it. It reminds me over and over and over again, why it is that I got involved in rescue work to start with, and why fostering is not only so paramount in the fight to save cat lives, but all the ways in which it has blessed me personally. Some would say that what my husband and I have done in volunteering as foster parents has been a lovely thing to do for the cats/kittens we've helped, but in reality, fostering has been something that has brought both of us so many blessings - it's hard to quantify just what we've gotten from it.
I've made alot of mistakes in life up to this point. I've done and said things at different times, in different places, with different people, that I regret; plain and simple. Being imperfect means that the odds are pretty high that I'll very likely make a whole lot more before my time in this life comes to a close, but of one thing I am entirely certain - Red is one thing that I did absolutely right, and seeing pictures of him, hearing about how happy he is, and knowing that he is safe, it fills me with a sense of peace and joy, and makes me smile like few other things can. We love this little guy and are so incredibly grateful that we crossed paths.
His Mom sent these new pictures of him..............I'll let her words set the stage for these:
I found some Stanley photos you might like. One is of Stanley and Lenny sharing the cat bed and the other is what we call Stanley's "Cheesecake" photo. Sean was doing a photoshoot with a model and Stanley thought he could do a better job so he walked right on set and struck this pose. What a ham!